Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Purple Folder

Well, I got my purple folder yesterday filled with information about the program! I'm looking so forward to it! I even have a prospective roommate, so it's awesome! She has Celiac Disease just like me and we would make such a great duo! We both are in QSFB as well :) I picked my arrival date and it's August the 9th. I also joined the Facebook group for Fall 2010 and there is a discussion on a pre-arrival dinner for 8/9. Most arrival dates have a pre-dinner taking place, but I think it will be cool to start meeting people before we get moved in and busy.

Well, in the words of Tigger, TTFN - Ta Ta For Now! :D

Friday, March 26, 2010


Ok guys, it's official. I'm going to Disney Fall 2010! I can't believe I got the email so quickly. I waited about a week and two days. I assume the interviewing process is coming to an end within a month, so perhaps that is why I was notified quickly. I received it at 5:06 AM. Oddly enough, I was actually up at 4:00 this morning. I left at 5:00 AM for my 5 and half hour excursion to Ohio. I hadn't checked my mail until about an hour ago though. It's been a long day, but a pretty darn good one. I've been able to see my daddy, brother, and grandma, and I got my invitation from Disney!

Anyway, of course I am thrilled! I was sitting with my Dad when I opened the email so he was first to know lol. I then proceeded to call my boyfriend, Nicholas, and my mom and stepdad. Everyone is happy! I'm very excited that I will be working in Quick-Service Food and Beverage. It was my second choice basically. I've worked in fast food for about three years and I enjoy it. I love seeing and working with lots of people so it will be great! I haven't accepted my position yet, but that will be done within the next few days here.

It's funny how God works in our lives. Yesterday was not a great day. I had my day planned out and seriously everything did not turn out according to that plan. It was a stressful and hectic day, but today has been the exact opposite! I guess we have to go through the rough days for the good days to seem so good. If not, everyday would be the same.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Hidden Closet :P

Yay! I got a helpful hint on where to find a nice template and I found one! Thank you Kristin. The website she told me to look at was www.yummylolly.com if anyone else is interested. One less blog problem haha. I've explored Blogger more and feel a lot more comfortable with it now :)

So I'm going to be touching on other topics rather than just the wdwcp because there is only so much I can talk about the program! My first topic of interest today is Facebook. Now, I'm sure that a lot of people get tired of Facebook changing it's format as do I, but I usually adjust accordingly. However, there is one feature on Facebook that is quite a bother. Does anyone else find the Friend application annoying or unorganized? I really like how it used to be. I could browse through my friends alphabetically and add them to a list which I really liked to do. How can you look through your friends now? They just give you a random scramble of friends every time you click on the application. And there is no way to look up your recently added friends. I'm sorry to be a complainer, but this has really thrown me off. Does anyone else feel that friends aren't as accessible anymore?

This is astonishing! Do you ever come across something that has been right in front of you for a long time?! I moved into a duplex with two other girls in January. I've been living here almost 3 months now and, just today, I found a closet. This isn't a hidden closet mind you. No, this closet is smack dab in the middle of the hallway! How could I have never noticed a closet? I guess it just blended into the wall apparently! It has the same door as all the others in the hallway. Now granted, I hardly ever go in that hallway because my bedroom is in the basement, but seriously, it's a small house and very hard to miss a closet. It was the discovery of the day I must say lol!

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Blogging is confusing. I may be just a newbie and blogging illiterate, but seriously, it's going to take some patience with a few features. How do you easily find or create a new template for Blogger? I know the site itself offers a few to choose from, but I am looking for something more fun. When I search Google, I get stupid sites that don't offer anything worth while. And create your own programs cost money and yada ya. Am I missing something? Can someone tell me how to find nice looking templates or how to create my own for free?

Browsing -- why is it so hard to find other blogs that are on the same topic? This is more just a rant because I realize I can go to
www.blogsearch.google.com/blogsearch, but why can't there be a page where browsing is so much easier? Man, I'm really going to have to get used to the whole blogging thing lol.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

New to this!

Well everyone, I've never had a blog before. I don't want to bore you out right off the bat! I figured this would be a cool way to remember a part of my life as well as bring something interesting to others who are crazy enough to care :P

I've been reading a few other blogs lately because, yes, I am also a candidate for the Walt Disney World College Program. Conformity sets in and appeals to me to create a blog of my own. My purpose is purely for me to remember this experience, but hey, others may get a kick out of it or find some information helpful :) I'm not opposed to helping someone who seeks it!

Anyway, I found myself first interested in the program when I was handed a pamphlet when leaving school. Never had I heard of the program. It just fell into my hands. I looked it over and it didn't seem to apply to me, but found myself browsing the website when I got home and I was hooked. Who wouldn't want to do an internship with other college students, in Florida, at one, if not the best, vacation spots in the world! I was planning on waiting to go to the presentation on campus, but could not wait 3 weeks, too much excitement, so I watched the online presentation. The rest is history. I now await my fate.

I had the infamous phone interview on Wednesday, March 17, at 7:30 pm. It being St. Patrick's Day, my campus was booming with parties, loud music and people. I was sitting out in my car avoiding as much noise as possible. My interviewer called 1 minute before 7:30. Quite prompt I must say lol. The interview lasted 30 minutes. It went great! I wasn't nervous, just anxious for the call! I called my dad right after my interview. He's so cute! He's so excited about the wdwcp. He told me he's standing on pins and needles until he finds out if I am accepted. I'm not sure who's more excited, him or me lol. I love my old man!

I received my e-mail thanking me for interviewing with them just yesterday (Friday the 19). So the 3-4 week wait begins! I'm super excited! I'm staying as optimistic as possible! I could apply another season if I'm not accepted for Fall 2010. But cross my fingers that I don't have to do that!

I know I haven't received the purple folder and been accepted yet, but I would love to hear from some other students who will be attending the
Fall 2010 session. Let me know some things about you. Where you're from, what programs/classes you might be interested in when you're down in FL.

Feel free to leave a comment or a question for me! :)

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